Negative & Positive Testing

Positive Testing

Positive testing is the type of testing that can be performed on the system by providing the valid data as input. It checks whether an application behaves as expected with positive inputs. This test is done to check the application that does what it is supposed to do.
Sattvasoft does this testing by preparing input data sheet with the valid value or its ranges.

Negative Testing

Negative Testing is a variant of testing that can be performed on the system by providing invalid data as input. It checks whether an application behaves as expected with the negative inputs. This is to test the application does not do anything that it is not supposed to do so.  In general, negative testing is neglected by developers and that is why software product runs into many issues.

Sattvasoft overcome these issues by preparing all the invalid inputs data sheet and record the results in the tool or on the sheet

We cover positive and negative testing as part of acceptance testing phase also.

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